
S3QL depends on several other programs and libraries that have to be installed first. The best method to satisfy these dependencies depends on your distribution.


The following is a list of the programs and libraries required for running S3QL. Generally, you should first check if your distribution already provides a suitable packages and only install from source if that is not the case.

  • Kernel: Linux 3.9 or newer.

  • The psmisc utilities.

  • SQLite version 3.7.0 or newer. SQLite has to be installed as a shared library with development headers.

  • Python 3.8 or newer. Make sure to also install the development headers.

  • The following Python modules:

    • setuptools, version 1.0 or newer.

    • cryptography

    • defusedxml

    • apsw, version 3.42.0 or newer.

    • trio, version 0.15 or newer.

    • pyfuse3, any version between 3.2.0 (inclusive) and 4.0 (exclusive)

    • pytest, version 3.7 or newer (optional, to run unit tests)

    • systemd (optional, for enabling systemd support). Do not install the module from PyPi, this is from a third-party developer and incompatible with the official module from the systemd developers.

    • requests (optional, required for OAuth2 authentication with Google Storage)

    • google-auth (optional, required for ADC authentication with Google Storage)

    • google-auth-oauthlib (optional, required for browser-based authentication with Google Storage)

    • pytest_trio (optional, to run unit tests)

    To check if a specific module <module> is installed, execute python3 -c 'import <module>; print(<module>.__version__)'. This will result in an ModuleNotFoundError if the module is not installed, and will print the installed version if the module is installed.

Installing S3QL

To build and install S3QL, first download the release tarball from GitHub. Then validate the tarball using signify:

signify -V -m s3ql-XX.tar.gz -p

The file needs to be obtained from a trustworthy source (it contains the signing key). Each S3QL release contains the signing key for the release after it in the signify directory, so you only need to manually acquire this file once when you install S3QL for the first time).

After validating the tarball, unpack it and change into the newly created s3ql-X.Y.Z directory. Then you have three options:

  • Run the S3QL commands directly from the bin/ directory .

  • Install S3QL into ~/.local

  • You can install S3QL system-wide for all users.

Running S3QL commands directly

Create a virtual environment in the S3QL source directory:

python3 -m venv venv/

and install S3QL dependencies with:

venv/bin/pip install \
  apsw cryptography defusedxml trio pyfuse3 pytest \\
  requests google-auth google-auth-oauthlib pytest_trio

Then build and test S3QL with:

venv/bin/python3 build_ext --inplace
venv/bin/python3 -m pytest tests/

If this fails, ask for help on the mailing list or report a bug in the issue tracker.

You can now run the S3QL commands in bin by calling e.g. venv/bin/python3 bin/mkfs.s3ql or venv/bin/python3 bin/mount.s3ql. When using bash, you can also source venv/bin/activate (which activates the virtual environment for this shell) and then call the commands directly (with e.g. bin/mkfs.s3ql).

Installing S3QL for the current user

Create a virtual environment with:

python3 -m venv ~/.local/lib/s3ql-venv/

and install S3QL dependencies with:

~/.local/lib/s3ql-venv/bin/pip install \
  apsw cryptography defusedxml trio pyfuse3 pytest \\
  requests google-auth google-auth-oauthlib pytest_trio

Then build and test S3QL with:

~/.local/lib/s3ql-venv/bin/python3 build_ext --inplace
~/.local/lib/s3ql-venv/bin/python3 -m pytest tests/

If this fails, ask for help on the mailing list or report a bug in the issue tracker. Otherwise, install S3QL with:

~/.local/lib/s3ql-venv/bin/python3 install --user

Make sure that ~/.local/bin is in your $PATH.

Installing S3QL for all users

As much as possible, use your system’s package manager to install S3QL dependencies. If something is not available, install it with:

sudo python3 -m pip install <package>

Then build and test S3QL with:

python3 build_ext --inplace
python3 -m pytest tests/

If this fails, ask for help on the mailing list or report a bug in the issue tracker. Otherwise, install S3QL with:

sudo python3 install

Development Version

If you have checked out the unstable development version from the Git repository, a bit more effort is required. You’ll also need:

  • Version 0.28.1 or newer of the Cython compiler.

  • Version 1.2b1 or newer of the Sphinx document processor.

With these additional dependencies installed, S3QL can be build and tested as explained above under “Running S3QL commands directly”.

Note that when building from the Git repository, building and testing is done with several additional checks. This may cause compilation and/or tests to fail even though there are no problems with functionality. For example, any use of functions that are scheduled for deprecation in future Python version will cause tests to fail. If you would rather just check for functionality, you can delete the file. In that case, the build system will behave as it does for a regular release.

The HTML and PDF documentation can be generated with

(cd doc/pdf && make)

Running tests requiring remote servers

By default, tests requiring a connection to a remote storage backend are skipped. If you would like to run these tests too (which is always a good idea), you have to create additional entries in your ~/.s3ql/authinfo2 file that tell S3QL what server and credentials to use for these tests. These entries have the following form:

backend-login: <user>
backend-password: <password>
test-fs: <storage-url>

Here <BACKEND> specifies the backend that you want to test (e.g. s3, s3c, gs, or swift), <user> and <password> are the backend authentication credentials, and <storage-url> specifies the full storage URL that will be used for testing. Any existing S3QL file system in this storage URL will be destroyed during testing.

For example, to run tests that need connection to a Google Storage server, you would add something like

backend-login: GOOGIGWLONT238MD7HZ4
backend-password: rmEbstjscoeunt1249oes1298gauidbs3hl
test-fs: gs://joes-gs-bucket/s3ql_tests/